Imagine you’re coming back home and discover that someone broke into your most safe place. It is a very disturbing and the feeling of being exposed like that can deeply affect you and leave you in shock.
That is why we’ve made a checklist for you to follow in a situation like this, it will help you stay organized and make sure you wont skip any important step on the way when you go through the event of a home burglary.
Call the Police
When you discover that your property has been compromised the first thing you should immediately do is to call the police.
It might be tempting to enter your house but you really don’t know if the burglars are still in, so don’t be a hero call the police and follow their instructions till they show up!

Address any urgent repairs promptly
After the police officers arrived and approved entry to the house it is recommended that you immediately address any urgent matter like if you’re a renting tenet then your realtor agent might have a list of emergency repair contacts or your land lord knows a local locksmith that can handle all locks issues.
It’s important to make sure your home is restored to a secure condition as fast as possible. If you are the owner of the property you need to call a locksmith to replace or rekey all the locks around the house.
Check Your House
While you’re waiting for the locksmith or ant other repairer it’s a good idea to start making a list of your missing items. Write down anything that seems to be missing or damaged as you go through all the rooms in your property.
Don’t forget to check for any missing keys as they can easily slip under your radar. In case your computer was stolen and it contains sensitive information remember to update all your passwords including social media and your banking account passwords as well.
Gather All Relevant Information
Once you have your list of stolen and damaged items try take out your smartphone and start documenting everything. Try your best to find any receipts and even photos that are connected to the stolen belongings because it can be used as proof to the insurance company that these items were really in your possession.

Call Your Insurance Company
When you call your insurance provider make sure to have all this information:
- Your policy number.
- The police report number.
- A list of the stolen items.